
Management board
represented by: Jürgen Grün
Telephone: 0049 34441 392000
Fax: 0049 34441 392002

Comercial register Stendal
HRB 8589
tax no: 119 / 109 / 25727
Ust.-ID Nr.: DE 263 222 060

- Non-binding nature
The contents of this website have been researched with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, the provider assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided. The contributions reflect the opinion of the respective author. The information provided on this website is of a general nature and is non-binding.

- Data protection notice
All persons named on this website hereby object to any commercial use and disclosure of their data (cf. § 28 BDSG).
We undertake to protect the privacy and personal rights of all persons who communicate with us via the Internet. We treat personal data that is transmitted to us via the Internet as confidential. This is based on the applicable statutory provisions: the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Teleservices Data Protection Act (TDDSG) and the Teleservices Act (TDG).

- Notice of liability, External links

Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

- Copyright notice
All articles and illustrations published on this website are protected by copyright. Any use not permitted by copyright law requires the prior written consent of the provider. This applies in particular to the duplication, editing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Photocopies and downloads of web pages may only be made for personal, private and non-commercial use.

- Statistics
For statistical purposes, we store the name of the requested website, the date and time of the page request and the amount of data transferred. We also record whether the transfer of information was successful and which provider was used to access the site.

- User registration
If you fill out a registration form on our website with contact information, this information will be used to send you requested product information, messages, etc. Your personal data will be used exclusively for these purposes. Your personal data will be used exclusively for these purposes and will not be passed on to third parties. The data you send us online will not be encrypted. If, for example, you no longer wish to receive newsletters, you can have yourself deleted from the registration database at any time.

- Communication via e-mail
If you provide us with your e-mail address, we will communicate with you by e-mail. However, we will not pass this address on to third parties. If, depending on the settings of your e-mail program, personal data is transmitted to us, we will treat it confidentially. The transmitted information is not encrypted during the exchange of information.